Tuesday, January 30, 2007


alrighty then...this was a bit delayed...the family got sick after the weekend activities and we're just starting to recover from a wicked case of the stomach bug...

i was tagged by jillian to list 6 weird or quirky things about myself. i actually had to enlist my husband's help, because i couldn't think of 6. {and, here i was thinking i wasn't so weird...}.

1. {according to hubs} i refuse to answer questions by giving an answer not related to the question. {please keep in mind, he's an attorney - so, he's always thinking along the lines of "yes/no", and, in my mind, things aren't always so black & white...and i disagree with his opinion - sort of}.

2. {also according to hubs} i incessantly apologize for things that don't warrant an apology; but, i don't apologize for things that should receive an apology. {and, i feel like i'm always apologizing, warranted or not}.

3. i eat fast food french fries are with a non-ketchup condiment. {e.g. mcdonald's french fries must be dipped in sweet and sour sauce; wendy's french fries must be accompanied by bbq sauce. if we travel long distances on the road, we'll hit either of these places - mostly the latter of the two...so, if you're wondering what i get at BK...the answer is, "i don't visit BK". ::smile:: and for the record, in & out burger is the best!}.

4. i love ketchup. french fries {at home or in restaurants} and other foods generally serve as a vehicle to consume ketchup. i don't know why i like it so much and i don't have it often. which may explain why i feel the need to make up for "lost" ketchup consumption. =)

5. {according to hubs} i don't mind vacuuming or dusting {well, the jury's still out on dusting...}, but i can't stand washing the kitchen floor. i don't know why - it's just not a preferable house chore.

6. i can't stand sink clutter, so i don't like to leave dishes in the sink.

i don't know a ton of people with blogs, so i feel the need to tag some people who threw their hat into the RAK ring from Tuesday's post, and some other PI folks. I hope you ladies will take a minute and list out some of your quirks! So, Cathy, Celeste and Susannah - you ladies have been tagged!

on a completely unrelated note, i'll be posting the chandelier journal RAK winner sometime tomorrow. i also hope to post another layout later this week.

thanks for stopping by! =)


Jillian Marie said...

Thx for playing...Loved reading about your quirks, you are too cute!!!

Hope you all feel better extra soon!!

susannah said...

very interesting. I'm with ya on the french fries/condiment thing. I'll be thinking of my 6.

Also, the birdie stamps you can find at flaxart.com and just type keyword "stamps" and they pop right up.

Cathy Pascual said...

Thanks for tagging me Nicole!
I posted my quirks today....
