Wednesday, April 4, 2007


mmmm...hi all....

very short blog today...

i'm craving one of these right now.
it's rainy and yucky outside so we're house-bound...and i think i'm off to go work on the dining room reno.

hope it's sunny where you are! =)


Angie said...

No sunny weather here. It's cold, windy and to top it all off, it's snowing. Yuck!

That icecream sandwich looks really yummy!

Anonymous said...

sorry about the yucky weather! hate being stuck inside!!
that chipwich looks mighty good!!!

Jillian Marie said...

Mmmm yummy, ice cream sandwiches of any kind make me happy.....especially an "It's it", pure heaven! Good thing miss Amelia is your sunshine no matter what it's like outside!!!

Happy renovating, looking forward to seeing the finished product!