Monday, February 19, 2007

good things.

{nope, this isn't an excerpt from martha stewart living}.

just a rash of good things lately that have me, as my daughter would say, "happy, happy, happy!". i'm not a positive person, by nature. and, the past year has been a difficult one for us {so, it didn't do much to help me in my pursuit of being more positive about things}. we FINALLY sold our townhome. it's been on the market for almost a year. a very hot real estate market went cold on us just as we relocated to a new part of the state and moved into a new home. it meant 6 months of footing two mortgages. lots of fights. lots of tears. lots of frustration. we got the good news last weekend and locked things up early last week. yesterday we came out of attorney review. and, we will close in march. ::sigh:: my husband and i are exhausted from this experience. i think if we can avoid moving - EVER - again, we'll try.

i also received a lovely surprise on friday from friend, jillian, who sent me the sweetest valentine's care package. it was filled with hand-crafted goodies, yummy ribbons and even a "bitty bag o'fun", like stamps, pearl string, more ribbon and flowers.
here's a little piece of the fun:

a huge thanks to jillian for putting this package together. it was the last thing i expected, especially at the end of a long, drawn-out, emotional week. what a pick-me-up!

now that things are leveling off a bit, i want to dip back into scrapbooking. i've been experiencing this wave of exhaustion now that a huge stress has been lifted off our shoulders. i made some valentine's day cards last week...does that count? the picture on the top of this post is a quick shot of the detailing on one of my cards.

it's been fantastically warm today with temps in the 50's. love it! i'm sure we have more cold and snow in store before i can officially break out short-sleeve shirts and flip-flops, but i'll take what i can get now. all these thoughts of spring have me thinking of a swap i'd like to do towards the end of next month. anyone interested? it'll be themed...and fun. more details later.

oh, and happy chinese new year to all {which was officially sunday}. i have a feeling it's going to be a good year. or, is that just the luck 'o the pig talking? =)


Angelia said...

Hi, Nicole,
Congrats on the sale of your townhome. I'm all for less stress and frustration ;) You commented on my photos - no, those weren't supposed to be bad. I meant that on the BHG site they look bad - off color and pixelated. That's why I posted them on my blog, as they should have been :D Thanks for posting on my blog! Have a great day,

Jillian Marie said...

Hi Nicole, what a relief for you guys, congrats on the "sold". Being in Real estate myself I can honestly say that I feel for what you have experienced! As they say (something like this...hehe) What does not destroy us makes us stronger and wiser! You are very welcome for the Valentine Package, happy to offer a pick me up, enjoy the goods!!

xo Jillian

Jillian Marie said...

Forgot to say, I am definately interested in the swap....I recently had an idea for one also, maybe we should talk...ok bye for now!!! xo

Anonymous said...

congrats on selling your townhome...must be such a relief!! and jillian is the sweetest...what an adorable little box of goodness! :)

susannah said...

Hey Nicole!
I've been meaning to visit your blog and I finally have some time since the kiddos are asleep! First of all, CONGRATS! on selling your townhouse! I can imagine the weight being lifted, what a great feeling!
I hope this year is much better, for all of us, and I think you're feeling like I am and really need to find more time to scrap and take some time to do things we really enjoy! I'll talk to you soon sweetie!

Samantha said...

Nik, CONGRATS on selling the townhouse! I know what a relief that must be after all this time. Yeah!!!
