Tuesday, September 22, 2009

confessions of a candy corn addict.

if lent were in september, i would be giving up candy corn.

i'm horribly addicted.

and, of course, i was in target last week and picked up a bag of brach's autumn mix {which is regular candy corn, chocolate candy corn and candy pumpkins thrown in for good measure}. what i really wanted to was the candy corn and chocolate candy corn combo - i could honestly do without the candy pumpkins - it's too much. of course, on the drive home i found myself eating it. put the bag away when i got home. later i pulled it out and took out a few pieces. it's horrible. potato chips and french fries i can part with after having a few. for some reason, i can't do that with candy corn. {or cheetos for that matter, but i would diverge if i started talking about cheetos....mmm...}.

that's my thought for today. i'm working a little on changing my blog over to a new format, so if you visit, bear with me. there's a lot of stuff i've been "meaning to do" and i do it when i can. i'm just now trying to do it in earnest.

but, really quickly before i go, i had an awesome anniversary weekend. i hope to post more on that next time and share some photos as well.

happy fall!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

5 years.

just wanted to stop by very quickly and post a happy anniversary to my hubby. it was actually yesterday. and, i had the best of intentions in scanning a wedding photo and posting it to the blog. but, the scan came out so poorly that i quickly ditched the effort {was also under the gun to do that and a bit of housework before getting the kids up from naptime}.

it's been 5 years. i know it's not a long time, but it's a milestone just the same. we've had a lot of ups and downs in that time, but we have been greatly blessed in so many ways. i am thankful for that.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

...and the winner is...

well, we picked a faucet. moen's lindley. so far, i love it {i can't speak for my husband - the only think he said is that it's going to take a little getting used to, but i don't necessarily think that's a negative comment}. it's got a higher arch than we're used to, but i kind of like that industrial look {and, in the kitchen that's OK since it's the center of activity in our house and we're constantly cooking or baking something}.
again, in the world of faucets, i can't get too terribly excited {especially when it involves an unplanned expense}. but, this actually made me smile a little when i saw the finished product.
you know what stinks, though? when your 20-month old decides he doesn't want to nap and you still have to get through your daughter's dance class with a non-napping, crazy kid in tow...
...i'm just saying...
it's going to prove an interesting afternoon and evening as my son turns borderline hyper-manic with having had no rest today. no sugar added. =P

Thursday, September 3, 2009

the little things...

so, yes, a half hour of my afternoon during naptime went towards fun cyber-shopping for new kitchen faucets. my husband and i unwhittingly discovered a leak underneath the sink about a month or so ago...could not find the source...and were convinced we had fixed it. that is, until the other day, we discovered what we kept underneath the kitchen sink was soaking through and through. yeah, not so much fixed. the plumber came out, checked it and recommended we replace the faucet entirely. not that anytime is a "good" time to replace kitchen hardware {unless you've got money to burn and are having fun renovating}, but we've had on and off discussions about replacing the faucet. it's white...the sink is white...it's a pain in the butt to keep clean and it always seems to be in need of a good bleaching. the problem is the sink is seemlessly attached to the counter, made of corian...and though we would love a stainless sink...that isn't happening anytime soon as it's not a priority. we still had issues with the white faucet - again, gets so dirty - and we've said how having a stainless faucet would be a nice alternative. so, although it stinks having to replace it now, it's at least a cosmetic "improvement".

on an "up" note, as i was mulling all of this over while changing the bed linens before, i got to use one of my favorite "little things" that makes me happy...

have you ever tried restoration hardware's sheet spray? i would've never thought twice about buying the stuff until a co-worker gave me a bottle of the sweet orange scented spray for bed linens. love it. i am thinking about buying the shore scent just to keep that smell around in the colder weather. it's the best feeling in the world - when my head hits the pillow at night, breathing in the scent of nice, clean sheets - that have a comforting fragrance to them - is just one of the best feelings to temper the sheer exhaustion of the day. in case you're really sensitive to smell, i don't find the sheet spray to be overpowering. trust me - i usually wretch at the slightest whiff of bad perfume {in fact, i don't really wear perfume anymore...i just like clean scents...}.

laundry is calling...

the heck with it.

i was going to do a little blurb about peaches, how much i've been enjoying them this summer and the rockin' things we've done with them in the kitchen...but, it's been one of those days with the kids and i'm shopping for kitchen faucets right now since ours is nearly kaput. =P

i'm delighted that lowes has apparently over 2400 faucets i can view online {not}. hmmm...scratch those search results...more like 500 kitchen faucets i can view {my bad}. hahaha...here's something new...anyone ever heard of a "biscuit" metal finish? yeah, me neither...
let's see...further narrowed it down to 54 results since i need a 2-hole faucet {faucet openening & soap dispenser opening}...

{isn't this just what you want to be reading...? me...shopping for faucets...}.

seriously, though...hope you're having a great afternoon...