Tuesday, September 22, 2009

confessions of a candy corn addict.

if lent were in september, i would be giving up candy corn.

i'm horribly addicted.

and, of course, i was in target last week and picked up a bag of brach's autumn mix {which is regular candy corn, chocolate candy corn and candy pumpkins thrown in for good measure}. what i really wanted to was the candy corn and chocolate candy corn combo - i could honestly do without the candy pumpkins - it's too much. of course, on the drive home i found myself eating it. put the bag away when i got home. later i pulled it out and took out a few pieces. it's horrible. potato chips and french fries i can part with after having a few. for some reason, i can't do that with candy corn. {or cheetos for that matter, but i would diverge if i started talking about cheetos....mmm...}.

that's my thought for today. i'm working a little on changing my blog over to a new format, so if you visit, bear with me. there's a lot of stuff i've been "meaning to do" and i do it when i can. i'm just now trying to do it in earnest.

but, really quickly before i go, i had an awesome anniversary weekend. i hope to post more on that next time and share some photos as well.

happy fall!

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