i chuckled and asked her if she could hook me up with a year's supply of valium. seriously. that would be nice. =)
OR...my own private wine closet...with my favorite stashes from napa and sonoma.
valium and libations aside, these things would be pretty cool:
Canon Normal EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Autofocus Lens - and the sucker is backordered too...most likely because it's so amazing...
that would be a totally amazing surprise...
i could also use a new watch. and, this would be super fun...
and this is very pretty {i have a weakness for anthropologie}.
crazy as it seems, right now, i'd take a landscaping service to come in and do some much needed spring cleaning in my yard...edging, weeding, topsoil and new mulch...tear out some shabby looking shrubs. the flower beds look a bit like something you'd see in Where the Wild Things Are. guess what this girl is going to be working on over the next few days? yep...researching landscaping services and calling in for estimates. =)
here are a few quick layouts i put together recently:

this past week was pretty crazy. amelia had some respiratory relapses with her allergies. looks like the nebulizer is here to stay for awhile, along with some allergy meds to use during the rough seasons. james got yet another ear infection. we're looking at tubes next month, during the same time his cyst will be removed from near his eye.
i think the best birthday gift right now would be everything settling down a bit. happy & healthy. yes...that would be good, indeed.